08/19/2022 / By Ethan Huff
Over the next two years, the United States Army is expecting a huge shortfall in recruitment, which is, in part, the consequence of the military’s rampant “wokeism.”
Fiscal year 2022 is expected to be about 10,000 troops short while fiscal year 2023 could reach a shortfall of 28,000 troops. All in all, the military is expecting around a 40,000-troop deficit in the next couple of years.
“Those figures mean that this year is on track to be the Army’s worst recruiting year in almost 50 years,” reports The Epoch Times.
To help incentivize more people to join the Army, the military arm is expected to dole out $1 billion for various programs that aim to make becoming a soldier more attractive.
According to Maj. Charles Spears of the Combined Arms Center, one major factor in the military’s recruitment deficit is the fact that less than one in four American youth meet the physical fitness requirement necessary to join the military.
“Only 23 percent of American youth are qualified to serve without a waiver [as] obesity, addiction, medical, and behavioral health are the top disqualifiers for service,” he said.
Many American young people would also rather work in the private sector where they have somewhat more freedom, including the right to not be forcibly vaccinated with Big Pharma drugs.
“Social media’s virtual public square shapes the values and perceptions of American youth, which is increasingly unfamiliar with the benefits of Army service,” Spears claims.
A growing number of Americans is “increasingly disconnected” from the U.S. military, one reason for which is lack of support for the war machine and its endless nation-building and world policing endeavors.
What young person wants to be told that he has to get jabbed with every vaccine on the schedule while dealing with a potentially transgender sergeant? And who would want to serve under an illegitimate buffoon like Joe Biden?
“Oftentimes, influencers [such as parents, teachers, and coaches] do not recommend military service,” Spears laments, adding that “the share of youth who have seriously considered military service is at a historic low of 9 percent.”
Seeing as how the United States has become a bastion of anti-white hatred that is welcoming in illegals as part of a great replacement agenda, it is a wonder that any white person is still willing to serve the war machine at all.
Spears also blames the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) for the lack of interest among American young people to join the military – though he did confess that there has also been a major change in what the military stands for and the values it upholds.
While past military folks were tried-and-true patriots who believed that they were serving a good cause, the military of today has gone “woke,” further detracting decent, honest, hard-working Americans from wanting to participate in the charade.
“Much of the country doesn’t love America like it used to,” Spears admits. “And with a military no longer upholding the values, the oaths, or the creeds it once did, what kind of new recruits should we expect [to join the Army]?”
The oath that servicemen must swear to no longer has any meaning, which makes the past allure of the U.S. military obsolete in today’s world.
“From a macro perspective, we had a significant breach of trust in the last election,” Spears says, the suggestion being that millions of Americans do not recognize Biden as the legitimate Commander-in-Chief.
“They (also) happily encourage mandated vaccines, back the transgender issue, and speak out in opposition to the Supreme Court of the United States in regard to Roe v. Wade – all of which are very political,” he added about today’s perverted and corrupted military environment.
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Tagged Under:
army, Collapse, COVID, deep state, degeneracy, fascism, identity politics, LGBT, military, national security, patriots, recruitment, trans, transgender, vaccines, woke, woke military
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