01/18/2022 / By News Editors
Dating well back into 2021 following the arrival of Joe Biden in the White House, ANP has been keeping track of growing numbers of empty store shelves all across America, featuring within our stories photographs emailed to ANP by our readers of empty shelves where food products previously sat.
(Article by Stefan Stanford republished from AllNewsPipeline.com)
While Joe Biden’s White House put out a statement claiming such photographs, seen also in social media images across America, were ‘disinformation‘ and actually contained photos taken during President Trump’s time in office, you know it has gotten really, really, really bad for Biden and Democrats when even Reuters recently put out this story titled “U.S. grocery shortages deepen as pandemic dries supplies”.
And while linking to that story on his website Saturday morning, Steve Quayle warned the story was a “False narrative”, as globalists it’s become increasingly obviously they’ve “begun the accelerated starvation against the US population”, the mere fact that the msm is finally reporting upon what the independent news has been warning about for quite some time is another sign of things to come.
Because with ANP and other independent news websites long warning about the globalists depopulation agenda, also long-called ‘conspiracy theory‘ by the msm, what if Steve Quayle is correct in his warning of an ‘accelerated starvation‘ campaign being waged against the US population? Think they wouldn’t do such a thing? History proves Steve correct.
As ANP and other independent media websites have long warned via a quote from none other than globalist stooge Henry Kissinger, “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control people.” Think they wouldn’t try to use food as a weapon in 2022 in an attempt to get people to ‘comply‘ and take the ‘clot shot‘ or simply to ‘eliminate‘ those they love to call the ‘useless eaters‘? They’re already doing it with people’s jobs! From this 2011 story by the Activist Post.:
Hungry people will do anything for food, which means that those who have control over food can use it as leverage. In 1974, Henry Kissinger suggested using food as a weapon to induce targeted population reduction in a previously classified 200-page report, National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests. The primary tactic to be applied is that food aid would be withheld from developing nations until they submitted to birth control policies:
There is also some established precedent for taking account of family planning performance in appraisal of assistance requirements by AID [U.S. Agency for International Development] and consultative groups. Since population growth is a major determinant of increases in food demand, allocation of scarce PL 480 resources should take account of what steps a country is taking in population control as well as food production. In these sensitive relations, however, it is important in style as well as substance to avoid the appearance of coercion.
So as you’ll see at the top of this story and below, ANP has recently been emailed new images from our readers in various locations across the country, the images above and directly below from both a Walmart and Meijer in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan while the image further down in this story comes from just a portion of the empty juice sections at a Safeway in Towson, MD.
That reader also shared images of the frozen food sections that were bare as well. So if you are out and about in the coming days and notice empty store shelves in your areas where there used to be food, please email them to tips@allnewspipeline.com and we’ll feature them in a future ANP story.
With ANP long keeping track of shortages at our own local grocery store via conversations with store employees who we’ve gotten to know over nearly a decade of using their store as our primary shopping location, as we’ve reported previously, we’ve been told 3 different times by 3 different employees that they’d heard from their own suppliers/truckers/management that ‘things were going to get worse‘.
With one store manager amongst those 3 employees I’d spoken with telling me that they’d only gotten in roughly 30% of their most recent order, as this previously mentioned Reuters story also published at Yahoo News pointed out, what they’re calling a ‘high demand for groceries‘, added to ‘soaring freight costs‘ and ‘Omicron-related labor shortages,‘ were responsible for ‘empty supermarket shelves at major retailers across the United States‘. All intentionally caused Steve Quayle and many others have warned.
Because with everything that is happening now surrounding the food shortages, high demand for food, soaring food prices, soaring freight costs and labor shortages DIRECTLY TIED to COVID, all of this warned of many within the independent media a year ago, and much longer ago in the case of Steve Quayle who has been warning his readers to prepare for the kind of times America is now going through decades ago.
And we can’t help but keep coming back to Henry Kissinger’s warning and looking at the American people as the ‘masses‘ he was speaking of in 2022 who ‘war‘ is being waged against. Would you put it past the globalists? Check out these excerpts from this story.
High demand for groceries combined with soaring freight costs and Omicron-related labor shortages are creating a new round of backlogs at processed food and fresh produce companies, leading to empty supermarket shelves at major retailers across the United States.
Growers of perishable produce across the West Coast are paying nearly triple pre-pandemic trucking rates to ship things like lettuce and berries before they spoil. Shay Myers, CEO of Owyhee Produce, which grows onions, watermelons and asparagus along the border of Idaho and Oregon, said he has been holding off shipping onions to retail distributors until freight costs go down.
Myers said transportation disruptions in the last three weeks, caused by a lack of truck drivers and recent highway-blocking storms, have led to a doubling of freight costs for fruit and vegetable producers, on top of already-elevated pandemic prices. “We typically will ship, East Coast to West Coast – we used to do it for about $7,000,” he said. “Today it’s somewhere between $18,000 and $22,000.” (ANP: Think about how many of those ‘transportation disruptions’ are being caused by truckers getting out of the field rather than submitting to ‘the vax’!)
Birds Eye frozen vegetables maker Conagra Brands’ CEO Sean Connolly told investors last week that supplies from its U.S. plants could be constrained for at least the next month due to Omicron-related absences. Earlier this week, Albertsons CEO Vivek Sankaran said he expects the supermarket chain to confront more supply chain challenges over the next four to six weeks as Omicron has put a dent in its efforts to plug supply chain gaps.
Shoppers on social media complained of empty pasta and meat aisles at some Walmart stores; a Meijer store in Indianapolis was swept bare of chicken; a Publix in Palm Beach, Florida was out of bath tissue and home hygiene products while Costco reinstated purchase limits on toilet paper at some stores in Washington state.
The situation is not expected to abate for at least a few more weeks, Katie Denis, vice president of communications and research at the Consumer Brands Association said, blaming the shortages on a scarcity of labor. (ANP: And once again, how much of that ‘labor shortage’ is due to people saying ‘no way’ to ‘the vax’?)
Read more at: AllNewsPipeline.com
Tagged Under: big government, chaos, Collapse, conspiracy, disinfo, Empty Shelf, food collapse, food shortage, food supply, globalist agenda, grocery, Joe Biden, labor shortage, omicron, pandemic, panic, price increase, products, starvation, supply chain