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Nationwide civil unrest coming… and city dwellers are the LEAST prepared to survive

As I reveal in this podcast, below, military contractors are being told to prepare for domestic deployment inside the United States to prevent cities from being burned to the ground by raging, lunatic mobs. Yes, mass social unrest is in our near future, according to the people who run military contracting operations.

We don’t yet know exactly what event might set off such widespread civil unrest, but it’s not difficult to make some informed guesses about possible scenarios: An EMP attack from North Korea (which is suddenly very real thanks to recent ICBM testing by the Norks), an attempted left-wing revolution to overthrow America, a deep state coup attempt to remove President Trump from office, the collapse of the global debt pyramid, mass arrests of left-wing pedophiles in positions of power, and so on.

The point is that military contractors — i.e. former military personnel who are hired back on as private contractors — are well equipped to operate as domestic “special forces” to carry out specific missions on U.S. soil without violating posse comitatus. For the record, I happen to know a lot of these men, and the ones I know are 100% pro-America patriots who are upstanding citizens. They are well prepared to help defend America against those who are desperately trying to destroy it from within.

These “contractors” are courageous, highly capable men who are experts in hand-to-hand combat, land navigation, assault tactics and long-range target shooting. Every one of them is a survivalist by nature, and they are hardy, intelligent, dedicated individuals. Do not take my article as implying in any way that these are bad people. In fact, my belief is that you will beg for their protection against the out-of-control left-wing mobs and militant groups (such as Antifa) that are trying to burn this country to the ground.

As a quick example, check out this story about a Trump supporter who was viciously attacked and beaten almost to death just yesterday by left-wing Antifa terrorists in Boston.

Special missions, including rescue operations, guarding infrastructure and overwatch protection for police

These military contractors are capable of carrying out all sorts of special missions, including:

  • Guarding key infrastructure against terrorists (power distribution hubs, power plants, railroads, etc.).
  • Taking out terror cells (Antifa, etc.) and their leadership with precision assaults or sniper missions.
  • Manning key transportation checkpoints such as those leading in and out of cities.
  • Providing overwatch protection for local law enforcement who are attempting to quell crazed left-wing mobs.
  • Running rescue operations to retrieve individuals who have been kidnapped or trapped by left-wing terrorists.
  • Extracting people from live shooting scenarios, even while the battle is still raging.
  • Sabotaging infrastructure being used by left-wing terrorists for their anti-America operations.
  • Destroying supply hubs (ammunition depots, fuel depots, etc.) of domestic enemies.

Trust me when I tell you these highly-trained men are fully capable of carrying out such missions with speed, precision and remarkable adaptability. Just ONE of these “operators” is worth at least 1,000 Antifa losers in terms of battlefield assets. Comprised of former Marines, Special Forces and even Navy Seals operators, these individuals are hard as hell to kill, and determined as hell to get their missions accomplished no matter what.

Listen to my podcast for more details (story continues below):

U.S. cities will become war zones, yet city people are the least prepared for disruptions

The upshot of all this is that if events unfold as we are being warned, large sections of many U.S. cities will be transformed into “war zones,” complete with arson, looting, gunfire and dead bodies. This, of course, means severe disruptions in:

  • Food deliveries to grocery stores
  • Fuel deliveries to gas stations
  • Internet connectivity (which affects food stamps)
  • Transportation and commuting routes
  • Emergency services, including hospitals, fire and police

Disruptions in all these services and supplies will only worsen the degree of panic and desperation among city dwellers. As I point out in the following podcast, city people tend to be the least prepared of all. This will add to the panic and cause the situation to escalate rapidly:

City egress routes will be blocked in some cases… not everyone will be allowed to LEAVE

The realization behind all this is even more shocking when you consider the fact that local law enforcement units have been told over the last year or so that when inner cities collapse into chaos and rioting, police units will NOT be sent in to deal with many situations. Instead, in some cases the strategy will simply be to “contain” the chaos and prevent it from spreading. This means manning roadblock checkpoints while allowing certain sectors of some cities to burn to the ground.

In much the same way that a viral pandemic must be contained to avoid it spreading, civil unrest will also be “firewalled” off to prevent its spread. This is the inevitable result of too few cops in most cities, where the cops are outnumbered by violent gang-bangers by at least a thousand to one. Any sufficiently large catalyzing event that causes angry left-wing mobs to spill onto the streets will immediately cause police and sheriff’s deputies to shift the focus of their activities to “containment” rather than “intervention.” (Trust me, they’ve told me this themselves.)

Why does this matter to you? Because if you’re stuck in a war zone section of the city, you may very well be on your own for some time, unable to exit the city because all the egress routes are blocked as part of the containment strategy. Certainly, special people will be allowed to leave, such as the Mayor and her family, or high-level officials of all kinds. But if you don’t have this special permission, you may find yourself literally trapped in your own city zone, unable to receive any help from calling 9/11… all while having to deal with armed, violent left-wing lunatics on your own (with no help from the outside).

My question to you is simply this: If you still live in a city, are you prepared to survive such a scenario?

South Los Angeles, East St. Louis, Houston, Chicago, Seattle, Miami, Phoenix, Baltimore and Boston… all potential WAR zones

Due to incessant fake news propaganda and “journo-terrorism” by the left-wing media — which has become a clear and present danger to this nation — the Left in America has been transformed into a mob of deranged, violent lunatics who openly call for murder and violence to crush their political foes. Even now, the deranged Left is celebrating the utterly fake news that claims Trump ordered Flynn to “talk to the Russians,” thereby proving some sort of collusion where none exists. In reality, all presidential transition teams engage in international diplomacy by talking to the Russians, the Chinese, the Brits and everyone else. There’s no conspiracy here, it’s just that left-wingers are too stupid to understand how the executive branch of government actually operates, and the media is exploiting their stupidity to try to paint a “collusion” picture where none exists.

If you want a fantastic example of the complete idiocy of lunatic Leftists, check out this Joy Behar hyperventilation episode on The View, from Friday, where she parrots utterly fake news (that was later retracted by ABC News) to lie to her low-IQ audience, convincing them all that Trump has been “caught” in a collusion crime of some sort. (Seriously, anyone who watches The View has an IQ of roughly room temperature and should probably be barred from attempting to participate in a Constitutional Republic.)

By pushing hatred, derangement and sheer lunacy, the left-wing media has whipped up the Left into a frenzy / mania that abandons logic and reason. Now, the Left is poised to unleash mass chaos across America — and some are even calling for it, such as Antifa, now widely known to be a domestic terrorism organization. The fact remains that this nation stands one trigger event away from nationwide civil war.

Similarly, any attempt by the deep state to carry out its criminal coup against President Trump would also initiate nationwide civil action in defense of America. The criminal deep state, run by Robert Mueller, James Comey, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Loretta Lynch, is right now attempting a criminal takeover of the country. To protect America, all those deep state criminals needs to be arrested and tried for treason, yet if such a round of arrests were to take place, that could also set off nationwide civil unrest.

In other words, almost no matter what happens in the near future, half the country erupts in one way or another. That’s because the Left has managed to divide America into those who love this country vs. those who hate it. The Left has become anti-capitalism, anti-America, anti-Constitution, anti-law and anti-Trump. Pursuing ever-increasing radicalization, the Left now wants a communist revolution to throw Trump out of office, install a radical left-wing totalitarian regime in Washington, and round up all conservatives for executions or “re-education” camps. (This is the long-time goal of the so-called “Weathermen Underground,” which has transformed Democrats into a modern-day hate group and terrorist organization.)

The left-wing media is part of radical left-wing terrorism, of course, as they continue to fuel the anger, hatred and violence of the Left with an ever-more-insane menu of fake news:

If you live in the city, what’s your BUGOUT plan?

What’s the upshot of all this? In my view, the No. 1 thing you need to be working on right now is getting out of the city. If you’re already living well outside these urban chaos zones, you’re better prepared than 95% of the population, even if you do nothing else at all. The most dangerous scenario in these potential events is being trapped in the city with no escape, no supplies and no means of self-defense. By simply acquiring a water supply, some basic food items, a legal handgun and one afternoon of gun training, you will put yourself into a better-prepared position than 99% of the U.S. population.

Naturally, left-wing cities tend to criminalize firearms ownership by law-abiding citizens (because that’s how stupid the radical Left has become these days). So if you’re in Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Miami, New York City or other anti-gun cities, you have no legal means of defending yourself even when the police decide your city is so far beyond hope that they’re not going to come help you either. But guess who definitely owns guns? The gang-bangers, of course. They’re well armed because, by definition, they don’t follow anti-gun laws. Only law-abiding citizens follow the laws and turn in their guns, so gang-bangers will have free reign to rape, pillage and murder their way across the urban landscape. Ironically, for the most part they will be targeting anti-gun people who will suddenly discover they can’t call 9/11.

Bugging out of a city, by the way, is nearly impossible if you wait for things to hit the fan. You’ll be stuck in traffic with all the other last-minute people trying to bug out, too. Most likely, you’ll end up stalled on the freeway. Personally, I carry a folding bicycle in the back of my vehicle for precisely this purpose, ready to bug out of my vehicle on a bike, carrying a backpack of supplies. I know that I can easily bike 20 – 40 miles in an afternoon, but walking 20 – 40 miles takes more like a day or two. I also carry a bugout bag with compass, cordage, camp stove and all the other items you might suppose a prepper should have. I’ll cover more details on proper vehicle bugout bags in a future article.

So in addition to having a bugout route with your vehicle, you should also have a bugout plan that involves abandoning your vehicle and bugging out on bike or foot. This means you’d better have a compass, a map, some cordage, water, food, self-defense, light source and so on. And you probably don’t want to hike along the highway, or you’ll be attacked and robbed by violent mobs in no time. Your best bet in many scenarios is to get off the main roads and traverse the terrain on foot, far away from the crowds clogging the roads. Remember: Most city people have been indoctrinated with socialism or communism, and that embodies the idea that your stuff should be shared with everyone else. In other words, the fact that government already robs people of their money and redistributed it to those who didn’t earn it serves as a dangerous philosophy during any collapse. People who didn’t prepare will demand your stuff! (Question to you: How do you plan to defend your stuff? Or are you going to give all your stuff away to those leftists who refused to prepare?)

Listen to my podcast to learn more about surviving a major catastrophe if you happen to live (or work) in the city:

Bookmark this website to stay informed as stuff hits the fan

Finally, bookmark this website. Check back often (we publish news throughout each day), and especially make a point to check back as chaos events being to unfold across America.

The mainstream media can’t be trusted. They knowingly lie about almost everything, and they hate America, to boot. In contrast, we are a pro-America, pro-survival website that tells the truth and helps save lives. When it all hits the fan, you’ll want our analysis of events and guidance on how to navigate uncertain times.

Stay informed and you’ll stay alive. Be safe, everyone. History is about to catch up with us all, and the future of our world is highly uncertain. The left-wing media is a journo-terrorism organization, and they’ve convinced nearly half the country that they have to commit mass violence to overthrow the government and execute Trump supporters. We are one spark away from a raging forest fire that will sweep across this nation and cause mass chaos, suffering and death. My aim is that you survive this… and that the United States of America survives intact, too.


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