prepping stockpile
By Zoey Sky
Power outage preparedness: Staying safe and comfortable during a blackout
Unlike other emergencies such as an earthquake or civil war, a power outage is more likely to happen throughout the year. The better prepared you are, the greater the chance that you and your family will be comfortable after the lights go out. Below are some tips that can help your family stay safe and […]
By HRS Editors
Understanding different types of emergencies and how to prepare for them
Thinking about survival scenarios may seem scary, but it’s important for emergency preparedness. While many emergencies can happen, you can narrow down the necessary preps by thinking of the ones that are more common in your area. Prepping before SHTF ensures that you put the power back in your hands when things finally go south. (h/t […]
By HRS Editors
Stealthy prepping: Concealing your stockpile in plain sight
As a prepper, you should prioritize the protection of your survival stockpile before disaster strikes. This ensures that you have access to a well-stocked pantry when SHTF. If you are worried about not being able to access your main stockpile, try setting up DIY projects so you can hide more supplies in plain sight. By using the […]
By HRS Editors
Surviving the aftermath: Scenarios in a post-EMP event
If you’re worried about an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) event but are not sure how to prepare, study the potential EMP attack timeline detailed below. While you’re doing your research, you can also start building your stockpile by purchasing food supplies like food buckets and freeze-dried fruits and vegetables. (h/t to Potential EMP attack timeline When prepping […]
By HRS Editors
Survival basics: 8 Things that will still work after an EMP attack
An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is a strong burst of energy that can destroy electronic devices. An EMP can be caused by a natural event, such as a lightning strike, or by man-made means, like a nuclear explosion. If you’re worried about the possibility of an EMP attack, you can start preparing by learning which items […]
By HRS Editors
Prepping tips: How to prepare a food storage starter kit
Building your own food storage starter kit is one of the most basic things you need to learn if you want to be prepared for a food emergency or survival situation. Making a food storage starter kit is not as simple as going to your local grocery store and stocking up on whatever food options […]
By HRS Editors
Top rules for smart preppers: Building your ultimate emergency stockpile
Food storage is a crucial part of being prepared for emergencies. If the thought of building your stockpile is overwhelming, you can ease some of the stress and worry by starting now. How much and which foods to store will depend on your family members, your food preferences, special health conditions, the ability to cook and […]
By HRS Editors
10 Essential nuts to add to your prepping pantry now
If you’re looking for a healthy snack for your survival stockpile, you can’t go wrong with nuts. Nuts are nutritious, and different kinds contain different nutrients. (h/t to Almonds Almonds are a great source of fiber, protein and vitamin E. Brazil nuts Brazil nuts are rich in selenium, a mineral that has a role in […]
By HRS Editors
Why freeze-drying is the best food preservation method
Freeze-drying (lyophilization) is a food preservation process where food is quickly frozen. Next, the ice turns into water vapor and is removed by placing the frozen food in a vacuum, resulting in a dehydrated product. If you want to freeze-dry food at home, you will need special equipment. To save time and money, you can […]
By HRS Editors
Your favorite brands of spices may be tainted with toxic metals
Many home cooks often use a variety of herbs and spices to prepare various meals. However, recent reports have revealed that several popular brands of spices are contaminated with heavy metals like lead, which are often linked to adverse side effects. Data has revealed that there are elevated levels of lead in six brands of […]
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