Daily Caller deputy editor Scott Greer made the excellent point that contrary to our national media’s ongoing narrative about the “dangers” of President …
Remember the Confederate flag hysteria of 2016, when Amazon banned all products that carried the Confederate flag, including children’s toys? …
As everyday Americans watch manufactured race chaos unfold all around them in the aftermath of the infamous Charlottesville false flag …
As they so often do, far-Left Democrats have overplayed their hand and created a monster that later threatens to destroy …
The man who owns the Post, which claims to be one of the country’s most respected media outlets, now trafficks …
In a remarkably prophetic report, the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis issued a warning to Virginia …
The Alt-left does not even hide their violent threats against conservatives. (Article by Jim Hoft republished from Thegatewaypundit.com) Of course, you …