bug out
By Olivia Cook
EMP survival: Follow these tips to survive the first 72 hours after an EMP event
Electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) can have catastrophic and devastating effects on society. EMPs can be caused by natural sources like solar flares, also known as coronal mass injections (CMEs), or man-made sources like non-nuclear and nuclear weapons used by governments and terrorists alike. Whatever the cause, EMP incidents could damage significant portions of the nation’s critical infrastructure, including […]
By Zoey Sky
Survival 101: Is your car EMP-ready?
An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is one of the by-products of a nuclear detonation. It is an invisible pulse that spreads out at the speed of light and is very disruptive. An EMP can also be lethal to certain electronic components. If you are worried about transportation after an EMP attack, you should learn how to make […]
By Zoey Sky
Prepping for collapse, famine and nuclear war: 12 Tips that will help you be more resilient when SHTF
There are many things you must anticipate as a prepper. and these include emergency scenarios like societal collapse, famine or even nuclear war. These events may seem daunting, but preparing before SHTF should help you get your supplies ready in case you are one day forced to deal with a long-term survival scenario. Below are […]
By Zoey Sky
SHTF basics: 7 Mistakes you should AVOID after an EMP attack
An electromagnetic pulse attack (EMP) is one of the most devastating and long-lasting disasters that people could face. To increase your chances of surviving an EMP attack, avoid common mistakes like not stocking up on supplies until it’s too late. (h/t to An EMP attack (or solar flare from the sun) would knock out all electronic equipment over […]
By Zoey Sky
SHTF essentials: Here’s why you need a survival whistle in your bug-out bag
The movie “Titanic” is based on a true event and its ending highlights the importance of this simple but lifesaving item: a survival whistle. If the character named Rose didn’t use her whistle to alert rescuers, she would have died before the movie ended. Emergencies can happen when you least expect them, and it is important to […]
By Zoey Sky
Survival 101: How to protect your family during civil war
Unlike natural disasters, which can happen without warning, a civil war won’t occur without advance notice. If you know the signs to watch out for, you can observe a build-up of tensions and hostilities before SHTF in your neighborhood. Be observant so you have enough time to get your preps and emergency plans in order. (h/t to […]
By Zoey Sky
Survival essentials: 5 Bushcraft skills for preppers
There are many bushcraft skills that can benefit preppers. Detailed below are five skills that can help you survive when SHTF. (h/t to Prepping and bushcraft They may seem similar, but prepping and bushcraft are two different things. A prepper is someone who prepares for a disaster. Your preparation often involves various supplies and modern equipment. Meanwhile, someone […]
By Zoey Sky
Emergency preparedness: How to evacuate your city after SHTF
As a prepper, one of the most important things on your to-do list is to prepare for a potential bug-out scenario. Whether it’s an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack or a natural disaster, you need to be ready to bug out. This means having a survival plan, a bug-out bag and a hideout with supplies ready in […]
By Zoey Sky
Basic outdoor survival skills that will help you when SHTF
Spending time learning different skills can help you survive in the wilderness when SHTF. Prepare by learning basic outdoor survival skills like hunting, fire starting or first aid so you can survive if you get lost in the wilderness. (h/t to Basic first aid techniques Before SHTF, sign up for first aid classes so you can master […]
By Zoey Sky
Air, shelter, water and food: Master the survival rule of 3s so you can thrive when SHTF
Before disaster strikes, learn the survival rule of threes so you can prioritize your survival needs. The rule covers four basic survival requirements: Air, shelter, water and food. Memorize this basic rule so you can make quick decisions about survival tasks when every second counts. (h/t to Prepper basics: The survival rule of threes The survival […]
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