01/27/2020 / By Mike Adams
Over 56 million mainland Chinese are already living under military-enforced quarantines; essentially a state of regional martial law. As has been widely reported across the media, food supplies have disappeared from grocery store shelves across the region. Even under the extreme censorship of the communist regime in power there, the truth is leaking out: People are running out of food and medical supplies.
“The deadly virus spreading across China has spurred a run on protective face masks and hand sanitizer, with store shelves stripped and re-sellers hawking the items for inflated prices,” reported Bloomberg News five days ago. They added:
In one Shanghai mall, customers lined up for nearly an hour at a drugstore Wednesday waiting for a shipment of 100 boxes of masks to arrive. They sold out within 30 minutes, said pharmacist Duan Yueqi, even after the store limited each person to one pack each. Staffers told customers immediately upon entry: “everything is gone.”
And that was before the news hit that at least 44,000 people in China are infected with coronavirus. Just yesterday, a credible team of scientists from Hong Kong University warned that 44,000 people are already infected in China, even as the “official” government numbers only claim 2,900. With Wuhan being centrally located in the mainland, and with the mayor of Wuhan now confirming that five million people have already fled the city, it is inevitable that a wave of new infections will emerge in other major Chinese cities, including Beijing.
Chinese companies are already engaged in a desperate effort to buy all N95 masks in North America and ship them to China. We’ve covered this in the following podcast, via Brighteon.com:
This means millions of N95 masks are being urgently acquired and shipped to China, even as the government there downplays the official numbers, claiming just 2,901 infections:
Now, Breitbart.com is reporting that supplies of hand sanitizers and face masks are getting wiped out in America, too. “At least three pharmacies visited by Breitbart News in Brooklyn, N.Y. were sold out of individual-sized hand sanitizer this weekend… An Amazon page for ‘flu masks’ showed many of the most popular versions of surgical masks and personal anti-dust masks were unavailable.”
Notably, people everywhere are scrambling to purchase N95 masks even though they are useless at preventing coronavirus infections, as Natural News previously reported. Infections are now known to occur from exposing your unprotected eyes to the air in a room where another infected person resides.
Protecting yourself from the airborne coronavirus requires full face respirators, which run anywhere from $50 – $250 each and use consumable filtration cartridges. A quick check of Amazon.com reveals all full face respirators are sold out. The only respirators available are half-face respirators commonly used by painters and construction workers to protect their lungs from airborne dust and wood particles.
Early today, Alex Jones, host of InfoWars.com, reported that a top contact from My Patriot Supply, a storable food manufacturer that provides the InfoWars-branded food storage products, told him storable food supplies are rapidly being wiped out across the country, with most storable food companies now backlogged for weeks or months.
Within a few days, any remaining storable food supplies from InfoWars or HealthRangerStore.com will likely be gone. Wholesale prices for bulk food ingredients are already spiking across the board, and the storable food industry, given that they are working with perishable items, don’t have large supplies of inventory on hand to meet the sudden spike in demand.
The run on supplies will no doubt soon spread to items such as latex gloves, biohazard suits, plastic sheeting, duct tape, colloidal silver products and surface sanitizers.
Officially, the CDC says there’s nothing to worry about. Behind the scenes in the world of lab sciences, they are panicking to update labs across the country with various genetic profiles so that local labs can use genetic sequencers to test patient samples for the presence of the coronavirus.
There currently exists no field test for coronavirus. All samples must be sent to CDC-approved labs, which are no doubt already backlogged for weeks in testing incoming samples. (This author owns and runs an analytical laboratory that tests for microbiological contaminants. We know all about the difficulties of sample prep and high-throughput sample testing.)
The coronavirus reportedly doubles the number of victims every 7 days or less, according to science-based media reports. Hong Kong University scientists are expecting the pandemic to peak in China in late April or early May, at which time they expect to see 150,000 new cases per day.
If quarantines come to America as the outbreak multiplies, the rush for supplies will no doubt spill over into “social chaos” protection categories such as ammunition, firearms, flashlights, night vision devices (which are already nearly wiped out due to other reasons) and fuel. Residents in Wuhan, China, are approaching the end of their own food and fuel storage supplies, and it’s unclear how those supplies are going to be replenished.
In America, any quarantine of a major U.S. city would quickly plunge that city into total chaos, given the utter lawlessness, drug addiction, homelessness and left-wing violence that already characterizes the cities most likely to suffer an influx of coronavirus-infected individuals. Martial law would almost certainly be declared in that region, and National Guard troops would have to be deployed on the streets to maintain any semblance of civility.
Meanwhile, truckers would avoid entering cities under quarantine, causing a near-immediate wipeout of local supplies of food, fuel, medicine and other gear. The leadership of Truckers.com has already publicly warned that the 50,000+ truckers who their organization represents will flat-out avoid making deliveries to cities where social unrest is present. This is being called a “super supply chain crisis” and would plunge any affected city into desperation and violence.
Currently, President Trump and the CDC are both downplaying the severity of the coronavirus in the United States, implying the pandemic is primarily limited to China and won’t spread in the United States. Perhaps they are correct, but millions of Americans are betting their lives on a government that has proven itself to be both incompetent and dishonest when it comes to dealing with infectious disease outbreaks.
Soon, no doubt, the CDC will call for mandatory nationwide coronavirus vaccines as a way of pretending the “health authorities” have it all under control.
Listen to my important podcast below to hear more details about the possibility of coronavirus quarantines in the United States:
In the United States, there is currently no restriction on incoming flights from China. Although China-originating flights have been cancelled in other countries such as the Philippines, President Trump has so far taken no action to protect the United States from inbound flights from China.
Given that scanning inbound passengers for fevers and coughs has already been revealed to be ineffective — since many people infected with coronavirus show no such symptoms — it is almost certain that coronavirus-exposed travelers are freely entering the United States right now.
Unlike other respiratory viral strains such as SARS, the coronavirus is infectious during its entire incubation period, even when people show no symptoms. During this incubation time, individuals do not even know they are infected. Thus, they take no precautions to avoid crowds or isolate themselves from friends, coworkers or family members.
The Lancet science journal recently reported that coronavirus infects 83% of those who are exposed, killing 15%. That’s an apocalyptic fatality rate for any infectious disease, but even more concerning given that this viral strain spread in “stealth” mode, showing no symptoms in carriers who inadvertently spread it to others.
According to scientists from Hong Kong University (HKU), coronavirus infections already exceed 44,000.
China’s official numbers claim only 2,900 infections, but at the same time, China has announced the emergency opening of 100,000 new hospital beds in the Hubei Province, which encompasses Wuhan.
Thus, it appears that both China and the United States governments are downplaying the severity of this outbreak: Trump, in an effort to prevent a stock market panic, and China in an effort to protect its scientific reputation and food export industries.
The first casualty in any pandemic, remember, is the truth.
Tagged Under:
chaos, Collapse, coronavirus, emergency medicine, food supply, Gear, logistics, outbreak, pandemic, panic, storable food, supplies, survival, survival gear, virus
This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author