Criminal chaos in Brazil sheds light on likely future for America when Trump starts arresting the criminal traitors of the deep state

Chaos has erupted in Brazil, and authorities in the state of Ceará are being overwhelmed by an unprecedented wave of violent crime. For more than a week, gang members and other criminals have been terrorizing communities in response to a crack-down on crime proposed by the new president, Jair Bolsonaro.

During his inaugural speech in early January, Bolsonaro vowed to “rebuild” Brazil by fighting corruption, instituting massive reforms and tackling crime. The surge of violence and mayhem in Ceará are a direct challenge to the new president’s proposals. According to reports, three rival gangs have joined forces to commit over 160 attacks and assaults, in an effort to “protest” Bolsonaro’s proposal to eliminate the practice of separating gangs in Brazil prisons. Bank bombings, bus torchings, and the general destruction of public property have left the capital city of Fortalewasza in shambles.

Unrest in Brazil

As The Guardian reports, Fortaleza has been ground zero for the chaos afflicting the Brazilian state of Ceará. The whirlwind of crime and aggression has brought the city to a grinding halt: Taxis aren’t running, businesses aren’t open and residents are afraid to leave their homes.

Hundreds of national guard troops are now being deployed to patrol the area. In a statement, Brazilian authorities declared, “The decision was made after the recorded violence and the difficulty [faced by] local forces fighting organized crime alone.”

Critics of the right-leaning Bolsonaro say that this wave of violence is his fault, for “fanning the flames” by making “forceful” proposals during his campaign. His platform included harsher prison sentences for criminals and expanding the military’s presence in select areas, along with a promise to crackdown on government corruption.

As Breitbart reports further:

As well as tackling violent crime, Bolsonaro also promised to push for the prosecution of the dozens of socialist politicians involved in the country’s “Operation Car Wash” corruption scheme that saw billions of pounds fleeced from the public budget. The scandal’s most significant participant was former leftist President Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva, who Bolsonaro has pledged to keep in jail for the remainder of his 12-year sentence.

Perhaps it was Bolonsaro’s campaign promises that caused the riots, after all. Corrupt politicians will do anything to stay in power and out of jail– even if it means destroying an entire city. Now, there are growing concerns that a similar wave of violence will overtake the United States once President Donald Trump begins his own effort to take down the Deep State.

Defending America against the Deep State won’t be easy

As Mike Adams, founder of Natural News and creator of, contends, it is time for the Deep State’s reign to come to an end, and for President Trump to defend the United States against enemies both international and home-grown. Indeed, there is much work to be done, if the president is to truly “drain the swamp.”

Adams explains further:

All the evidence needed to arrest and prosecute these traitors already exists. The exhaustive evidence of a massive deep state criminal conspiracy operating inside the U.S. government has been covered up by Rod Rosenstein, buried by Obama and ignored by Jeff Sessions. Establishment Republican traitors like the late John McCain attempted to aid the deep state in overthrowing the Trump presidency by ferreting false intelligence used to mislead the FISA court. CIA operatives pretending to be journalists — Anderson Cooper, anyone? — helped carry out a public disinformation campaign to mislead the American public and create an utterly false narrative of “Russian collusion” where none existed.

Thousands of operatives throughout government, the intelligence community and the fake news media are guilty of conspiracy to overthrow America’s democracy. Overwhelming evidence already exists to out them and prosecute them. 

If nothing is done to stop the dark forces at play, the United States as we know it will cease to exist — and the last traces of our freedom will disappear with it, as the authoritarian Left secures its power. As Adams contends, globalist and communist factions have teamed up to topple America’s constitutional republic and overtake the government.

But, as the events in Brazil have shown us, when Trump makes the call to start tearing down the Deep State, it’s not going to be pretty. The radical Left here in the U.S. has already shown that it will do anything to stop conservatives.

Whether its rigging elections and changing laws to fit their agenda, blatant censorship, or terrorist Antifa groups, the regressive and authoritarian Left is attacking America, no holds barred.

Indeed, the Deep State and all of their associates are not likely to go down without a fight. As violence and disorder overtake city streets in Brazil, it is reasonable to expect similar events will unfold in the United States, as President Trump continues to double down on his protection of American values.

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