Abandoning any last pretense of law and civility, Democrats now openly support MOB RULE in America

If there’s one thing we can all learn about the liberal mindset from the spate of harassment, bullying, abuse, and violence that leftists have inflicted against conservatives and supporters of Donald Trump in recent years, it’s that Democrats in general are anything but tolerant and loving as they love to claim. Truth be told, they actually hate all semblances of decency and civility, at least as far as these common graces are afforded to their political opponents.

The recent actions of Kino Jimenez at a Whataburger restaurant in San Antonio, Texas – not to mention the shocking responses of other liberals in support of this heinous incident – represent a perfect case in point. In case you missed it, Jimenez, a far-left lunatic, physically assaulted a minor who was quietly eating a meal with his friends at the popular fast food chain, ripping off the boy’s “Make America Great Again” hat and throwing a cup of Coca-Cola in his face.

It was a truly deplorable act of hate that, were liberals actually consistent in their rhetoric and actions, would have been immediately condemned by the leftist “herd” as completely unacceptable. But that’s not what happened, of course. Countless Trump-hating liberals were quick to praise Jimenez for violently assaulting a child, as they, one after another on social media, parroted that the boy “deserved” what he got for daring to display publicly that he supports our nation’s Commander-in-Chief.

This growing sentiment of seething mob rule is rapidly becoming a defining trait of the left, which has abandoned nearly all pretenses of common decency, order, and the simple rule of law in favor of temper tantrums, violence, and public displays of hostility against everyone with whom they disagree. It’s a dangerous precedent that many leftists believe will result in their victory – but that, as history shows, will actually lead to their ultimate demise.

Antifa and the alt-left have no plans of stopping until American society is in total shambles

Discussing how mob rule scenarios have played out in the past, John Griffing, writing for Zero Hedge, uses the example of Maximilien Robespierre, the architect of the French Revolution and the infamous “Reign of Terror” that ultimately led to the breakdown of society and eventually total anarchy.

In the beginning, however, it looked a lot like the “Resist” movement of today. Angry French laymen began to demand that their leaders be removed, and later executed, until eventually there was nobody left to lead because everyone was getting their heads chopped off. Much of the violence was prompted by lies and misinformation, and there was no end to the mob’s bloodlust until it achieved its ultimate goal: the complete upheaval of French civil society. And ironically enough, those who encouraged mob rule in the first place ended up being executed as well.

“For mobs, it’s never enough,” writes Griffing. “And communities that passively surrender to mob rule in the face of civil unrest are like those who feed a crocodile, hoping to be eaten last.”

Some will undoubtedly laugh off this comparison as overblown, implying that such a scenario could never happen today. But history is known to repeat itself, and by the looks of things, the left doesn’t plan to stop its crusade against the president and his supporters anytime soon. If anything, things will like get a whole lot worse before they ever have the chance to get better.

“For the mob, breaking stuff and hurting people (often for pay) is the real objective,” adds Griffing, pointing to the phony “anti-fascist” group Antifa as a prominent mob rule culprit. “And for Antifas, the ever-evolving ’cause’ is a facade to justify animal behavior unfit for a free and open society.”

Be sure to read Griffing’s full analysis at ZeroHedge.com.

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